Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving and Non-Vegan for the day

Now, I know that I normally don't eat meat or dairy products. I just do on holidays like Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, etc. Why you ask? It is so I can appreciate how I eat the rest of the time and show myself what I am missing. Now, I at turkey and cheese a few times on Thanksgiving. Plus things make with dairy products.
How did I feel. I got fuller faster, and I felt full the whole day. Abnormally full. My brain started to go into a fog. Today is the day after thanksgiving and my brain still feels in a fog.

My friend and I were the only ones at my spot on thanksgiving because my neighbor moved uptown to the Y.  We got like 30 plates of food on thanksgiving without having to leave our spot. That is a big change from last year, when I ate at my client's house and my friend had no turkey for thanksgiving even though she was craving it and lived in a building. It kinda makes you rethink how to live during the holidays when you are poor. I could only eat one plate since there was so much food.

While I was waiting for my friend I got about $38 given to me by various people. Which I am grateful for because sometimes I am struggling for money for coffee if not having any money at all since I rarely beg. My friend was frustrated because she had only made $4 the whole day. So, when she say a woman giving me a $20 she complained in front of the woman that I have $40 and she had nothing. I just give my friend the $20 right there. When the woman left, I explained that since she complained like that, most likely the woman wouldn't give me anything in the future.

 I also showed my friend that since I did have more money than she did. That I was going to buy her latte's at Dunkin Donuts. Now, with the DD Perks program any espresso beverage I buy no matter what the size. It will be $1.99. So, I am saving money since a large coffee is $2.49. So, I get a large Latte since it is made with espresso and I get to save 50 cents.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Kevin and Accusations

Kevin is a young man who is from New Jersey. When I met him I was staying with Sklyar and Mike. He is 23 and has at least one child. He was doing heroin when I met him. Shortly after he was staying with Skylar and Mike he quit using thanks to Mike. He used to have a good job and stuff. He was in jail for a time. He had to promise his child's mother that he wouldn't get into trouble again, otherwise he couldn't see his kid. So, he isn't doing illegal activities other than the drugs every no and then.He gave me the last flower of the season before there were no more flowers. He is really sweet.. He has a wife in prison for something.

I was on Facebook the other day and I saw a cute outside shelter for cats. I mentioned that I was homeless and then a woman who commented after me said that I was just using Cooper to write and blog and that I should go home. Well, I don't have a home. I can't work at the job that I was offered by my ex boss because I can't move things out of that store.

I was to stay with the guy who beat me, but I refuse to be a man's punching bag. He even offered to help me get a place. But why would I do that if it would make him think that we are still together? I am not that type of person. He even wouldn't feed Cooper when he was hungry and had no food. So, I can't stay with a man like that. So, I won't even play with the idea of staying with him or making him think that I will stay with him. So, I have valid points of why I don't have a place to stay. I am protecting myself and my cat!!!

A woman came by earlier today and saw Cooper in his cage. She said that I was inhumane and cruel to him. I told her, that I keep him in the cage mostly because of his harness is falling apart. Which is the truth. I do take him out to use his litter box and to eat multiple times a day unless it is raining. The reason why this is the exception is that if he or I get sick, there will be most stress between the two of us. So, he stays dry and so do I. Rain hardly ever lasts a full 24 hours.So, he will eat that day too. She came back later and I showed her Cooper and she said again that the cage is too small. I told her that I totally agree. But that I am trying to get a bigger one for him... He also has pet insurance. So, he is pretty healthy and safe considering everything. Cooper will wear his light weight coat tonight because of the temperature being 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

It rained yesterday for over 12 hours. Cooper did make an accident in his cage. I also worked on staying dry and did my work on the computer too. I just didn't get a lot of sleep, because it is hard for me to sleep standing up...Only my feet up below my mid calf got wet. I was very happy about that. It did take me forever in the middle of the night to find a bathroom to use. I had to move my bowels and both of the outhouses were dirty with shit on the sitting area. But I did find a bathroom.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Skylar, Mike and today's events

Skylar is physically a man who looks like a woman. For those who don't know what this means, it means that she is a transgender. Skylar likes to be acknowledged as a woman. She is a really sweet person. She is in a relationship with Mike. They do have fights like anyone in a serious relation. She was in foster care from 8 years old until 16 years old. That makes her my foster sister since we were both in foster care. Her man Mike is from New Jersey I think. Mike is a really sweet guy when he isn't doing any drug. He is on methadone for heroin use. But he takes pills that aren't prescribed to get high.

Skylar at least for a few weeks was doing some heroin herself. They got married the day all our stuff got stolen, yet they are the friends that I was talking about. Mike has shown that there is a way to show the police that you know that law so that they will leave you alone. But, I couldn't ever do that like him.

I was a bit cold last night. I have to try to put a jacket on Cooper tonight because it is starting to get really cold at night. Tonight the lowest temperature will be 46 degrees Fahrenheit. I am just a bit worried about how Cooper is fairing in the cold at night. I want him with me but I don't want a dog or raccoon to attack him...

Because of the thief stealing my dirty clothes which had my towel in it. My heel had split open when I might have been able to prevent it by lotion after some showers...

Monday, November 16, 2015

Gary and Moving

Gary is a traveling homeless man. He goes where he feels like going. He is also addicted to K2 to a bit. K2 is a synthetic type of Marijuana that for some people makes them either violent or have a staggering walk type of movement. Gary is luckily not affected by K2 in this way. He chose to stop using it after he felt little affect which I applaud. He has been a wanderer for several years. He is originally from Texas.

While he was traveling when he was a young man. He got a ride from a woman who let him stay at her place. They ended up having a serious relationship the produced two girls. It was shortly around the birth of his second daughter that he found out that this woman had at least one other child that was in foster care. He decided to let his sister raise his girls. The younger one has some kind of learning problem. She doesn't know that her dad is her dad. But thinks her Aunt and Uncle are her parents. These two girls are in their late teens now. The older one is in college.

Gary while he was here in New York in Union Square hung out in the same group as me. He ended up getting Scabies. I don't know if I got the scabies from him or from Phil or someone of his close friends like Gypsy. Gary took care of Cooper for me when I went to get my tires on my wagon fixed that night that Tiffany helped me. Gary is a very good man. After he left he has admitted to liking me. We still keep in contact via the phone.

I was staying for the last few days at the ConEd building for the last couple days. My neighbor and I had to move this afternoon because of the ISIS and France thing. So, we had to pack up and leave. We moved a few blocks down on the other side of the street. We will see how long we stay at this location...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Alcoholic Mike and Crazy Days

 I met Mike at the McDonald's next to Union Square. He is close friends with Jeff. He is part Asian and I think also part Black. He is a sweet guy. He is kind and caring. But my days have been interesting

So, I went to bed last night shivering. But since I had so any blankets, I did start to get warm. I was very warm when I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I was shivering by the time I got to the outhouse. I used the toilet and then I came back and got warm again. I woke up to my neighbor telling me that she needed to use the bathroom. I got up and got ready for my turn. It took a while. When she finally came back I left like my insides were going to explode with all that urine inside of me.

I then waited for this mission outreach team hoping for some clothes. They took more than an hour to show up from the time I got there. I got two cups of oatmeal, the first one with raisins. They only had socks, so I got two pairs. Then I got my coupons from 7-11. I had to use the bathroom again, so I stopped in this cafe and bought an apple. So I could use the bathroom.Then I got to my spot. When I went to my spot someone had given me a pair of gloves. Another person gave me two jackets but then the woman who is my neighbor had to leave for church. While she was gone I had to use the bathroom really badly since it is so cold. So, I had to use Cooper's litter box because I don't want my things stolen again. Then this guy named Nathaniel came over. He is a drunk and he talked about wanting me to go to his apartment to take a shower.I am not going to leave to go anywhere without my neighbor. So, he finally left.

I started reading the paper, and then I had to go again. I kept trying to ignore the feeling. I would look for my neighbor, but she wasn't coming. So, I ended up using Cooper's litter box for the second time during the day. Then I read more of the paper. That was when she came.

So, I then went to do my pay-to-clicks and to write here in my blog. So, here I am doing my computer work when my brother calls me from Oregon. He and his friend want to see if I am going to come over there to stay. I tell them as long as they don't tell me what to eat. So, now they are mad.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Unforseen last few days...

The last few days were full of drama. The day before last, the cops told me that I had to move from my sleeping spot. So, I worked with my neighbor who got most of her things into a storage van by watching her stuff and moving it nearby. She told me that she would be back by 2:30pm. So, I waited. After sometime, night fall came. I knew at that point something was holding her up.I still waited. I hadn't eaten since morning and barely had my three fruits for the day. Finally around 9pm. I started moving my stuff to where some of my friends were staying.

I told them that I was moving my stuff to their spot and I started moving it after 9pm. One of them told me that they would come in a half an hour. I waited for a little bit, but I could soon tell that they wouldn't be back in 30 minutes. So, I started moving my stuff and abandoning my neighbors stuff. Finally in the middle of my moving my stuff to the stop, did my friends show up. They had gotten my a green curd and mixed vegetable soup at a Chinese restaurant. I at that while one of them helped me move the rest of my stuff.

I pitched up my tent and moved everything in and fell a sleep. The next morning I ate and started getting ready to go meet a friend. But, then the cops showed up and again and told me to take down my tent. So, I did. My friends hadn't come back yet. When they did, they told me that they were going to get married. So, I told them that I was going to put my stuff behind their tent and go. I left after taking down my tent. I found out that I missed my friend by 20 minutes. That evening. That was after I went out to panhandle.

When I was out panhandling, this drunk guy name Jack sat down next to me because I was so frustrated at how slow it was going because of the article in the New York Post. He had been homeless for 17 years. But he is an alcoholic, so that is his reason. Then while I was talking to Jack this other guy walks by and is complaining about getting a $50 gift card for food and not knowing where to sell it for his drugs. This made me feel sick to my stomach since I would have loved that gift card if it was given to me... He did give me some orange juice though from that store, which was delicious.

I was begging for warm food and for laundry money. But, since I feared that I wouldn't get money for laundry, I stated, "Can someone please help me get some Vegan food?" Several people gave to me some money. Some more than others. One man gave me an avocado. I loved eating that. One guy from Staten Island gave me a couple of dollars, he is a Vegan too!!! The first amount of money I go was from a woman who was born and raised in different state but had a friend who is Vegan. I was so grateful for that and all the donations I go yesterday money wise.

This Hispanic woman and her two small children gave me some pretzels, I was so touched by that. My eyes lit up as if it was Christmas to see those beautiful children giving me something to eat. Then this woman I think her name is "Jen" she gave me an apple and a pear. I had only had a banana and a plum as fruit so far, so I was thrilled. We talked a bit about religion and I explained that I can't get Vegan food in the City Shelters without a doctor's note, and that since I write my blog on my computer that I can't go into the shelter without leaving it and my table which I do my pay-to-click websites on when I can't use my computer somewhere else. Which makes it hard, because then I have to leave both with a friend and travel everyday just to use them. Plus I can only charge my phone for 15 minutes in a day at the shelter.

She gave me some money and told me to go to this restaurant called "Dine Inn". I would I gone but I wanted to save my money to wash me clothes, so I passed up on eating there for now. When I got back to my spot, my clothes, my tent, and my vegan mini muffins were gone. Someone took most of my friends things as well. They moved elsewhere by the time I got there because I went to eat some Chinese Green Curd and mix vegetable soup.

I was so tired, I just pushed things closer together and went to sleep. In the morning I waited for my friends to move me to where they are. But I moved my stuff (even a shopping cart with now no working wheels to where I was before), there I saw a local drunk who sometimes watches my stuff. I asked him to watch my stuff. He said that he would if I got him a beer. I was so desperate, that I got him a beer when I went to get breakfast. While I was coming back I met that neighbor, who when she went to her storage the other day, had to unpack all her bags in front of the storage staff to make sure they didn't have any bugs.

So, I went to where the drunk was to give him his beer and moved my stuff over to where the neighbor was. She then went to shower which took several hours. But finally I was able to do my pay-to-click and write here. Now, I need to go to Brooklyn to buy things I need for cheap or to get a raincheck. Either way I will get things cheaper than if I pay full price... Because of coupons and sales

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jimmy and life update

Jimmy is a alcoholic who has at least one child and at least was married if he isn't still. He is a sweet guy, unfortunately Phil, Ben, and Tiffany tease him like crazy when he gets so drunk and passed out in the park. He always asks how you are and is very friendly.

Ben and Tiffany with Phil's help will take sharpies and start marking Jimmy's face. Sometimes they make him look like a cat, other times like other things. They will even shave parts of his hair. It can look really funny sometimes in a sad kind a of way. I have been trying all this time to eat three fruits a day. Sometimes I can hardly eat one. But I hope when these scabies are gone that I can do that again.

I don't itch as much as before and I am starting to feel better, but I think I still have a few scabies lingering. I hope not, but that is how I feel. I am also working online on pay-to-click programs and hopefully I will be making a more money soon. I have caught up on watching my two favorite TV shows, Bones and Sleepy Hollow. Now I am starting to watch Grandfathered. I am also cutting coupons. So, I hope soon, that I will be able to be up to date with everything soon.